Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Pope Should Go To Jail

This should be done voluntarily and he should take the hierarchy of the catholic church with him.

What is worse that a child molester and rapist: someone who covers up for the pervert and then puts them in a position to RAPE more children. The ‘Moral Compass’ for this business/cult/religion needs to take responsibility for his organization.

Enron executives went to jail for stealing money. Martha Stewart went to jail for a $30,000 insider trade. The catholic church has perverts who molested and raped children for decades then covers it up at the highest level of the organization, a far worse crime than stealing money. And this with the most innocent of victims and takes no responsibility other than a few mumbled words and some hush money.

Let’s do some logical thinking. I know that this is not a strong suit for ‘people of faith’ but give it a try.

The CEO/Pope and all of his management team walk into court and say ‘We are guilty of covering up a crime, obstructing justice and should be punished for our actions. Here is a list of all known child molesting members of the catholic church that should be arrested”. Would you like to be the judge to sentence the CEO/Pope? My guess is he will get a fairly light sentence. I think it is his first offence. My guess is he would go to a minimum security prison. Would you like to be the CEO/Pope’s warden? I think he would be treated quite well. He may even get out early for good behavior. Think of the visuals of the Pope going to jail to pay for his wrongdoings. High theater at it’s best.

Why do this? There is a massive upside. It regains the moral high ground for him and his followers. It provides an end point ‘guilty phase’ and starts the ‘forgiveness phase’. How many people have left the business/cult/religion because of this issue? I would wager that the free cash flow through the business/cult/religion has been significantly impacted by the past and present revelations. This type of dramatic, proactive action creates an argument for them to come back and regain the premium payments for the ‘heaven’ insurance'. A large organization leader actually taking personal responsibility would set the example to hold up to other large organization leaders.

What is the message sent if this is not done? The catholic church is the home and protector of child molesters? We take no responsibility for our destruction of the lives of children? It was a realized risk for our business, but still a good ROI for the corporation? You should confess ‘your sins’ to child RAPISTS so we can judge you!

So what will the CEO/Pope do? My guess is that there will be some lame apology decades overdue, continue to pay people off with hush money and try to ride it out. In the meantime his business/cult/religion will continue rapidly decline into a minor niche that will be marginalized as globalization continues and the remaining followers age out and the cost of the business overhead becomes unsustainable.

A real moral leader would go to jail.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the Sarah Silverman bit about how the Vatican should sell itself off to save the rest of the world from starving: "Sell the Vatican, Feed the World"?
    Check it out.
